
All the Hoogwegt companies operate within their own regions with dedicated product teams, within the business structure of Hoogwegt. Together, we make sure our business partners get the best products and services. That's how we add vision and value.

With our local presence on all continents, we keep communication lines short, enabling efficient decision-making, and a personal approach. At the same time, however, we can rely on a solid financial position, the expertise of a worldwide network with more than 60 years of experience in the dairy market. On top of that, we share a mutual approach to business themes as sustainability and innovation.

Key figures.



No 1

Privately held dairy commodity provider

2.8 bn

Annual turnover

2 mln

Metric tons of dairy products

130 k







FTE incl. MU


Hoogwegt is the leading supplier on the global dairy market, active in over 130 countries. We did not achieve this position by focusing on shipping vast volumes of dairy products and ingredients. Rather, our focus has always been on finding new ways to add vision and value.


Hoogwegt is an independent global dairy supplier with more than 60 years of experience. We add value across the board for the food industry, in terms of quality assurance, logistic services, market intelligence, research and development, and risk management solutions.


Our vision is to play a leading role in the global dairy market by adding vision and value. 

Core values

We try to add value to our customers’ businesses in everything we do. This means that our core values also add value. Our core values reflect our ambition, our mentality and our beliefs.


At Hoogwegt, we understand that the dairy industry is working towards a low-carbon industry that delivers healthy, nourishing protein sources sustainably. We take our role in this industry seriously. Our financial, commercial, and operational success as a company depends on our ability to help shape a more responsible, safer, lower-impact industry.

Our unique character

We believe that sustainable growth goes hand in hand with responsible business operations. Our financial, commercial, and operational success as a company depends on our ability to help shape a more responsible, safer, lower-impact industry. As such, we see it as a key responsibility to assure that reduction of carbon footprint, and maintaining high food safety and quality standards are met for the products that we source and supply.

As a market leader, at Hoogwegt we can utilize our scale, our knowledge, and our unrivaled supplier and customer base to embed sustainability in our industry. And we can leverage our extensive network of farmers, ingredient manufacturers, and food industry leaders to activate sustainable change at critical points in the value chain. That is why we are pursuing a robust, customer-driven sustainability strategy built on three key pillars:


  • Environmental impact
  • Food safety
  • People & Communities

Through this targeted approach, we can help shape a more informed, empowered, and sustainable industry in the years ahead.

Our sustainability ambitions on all three pillars are:

Environmental impact: we aim to provide Hoogwegt customers with an extensive range of low-carbon products and carbon-neutral options.

Food safety: we have a best-in-class, globalized food safety assessment program in place, with all our global locations audited against Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards.

People & Communities: by reaching out and investing in our communities, we can offer people from all backgrounds opportunities to grow and to contribute to a sustainable dairy future.

We are among the world’s largest dairy and plant-based ingredient suppliers. Therefor we want to contribute responsibly. Join us on our journey:

Leaflet | June 2023

Leaflet | October 2022

Booklet | sustainability ambitions 2022



Henk Hoogwegt founds a dairy exporting company in the Netherlands. It grows and grows – and one day becomes the largest privately held supplier of dairy products in the world.


Hoogwegt makes its first international acquisition. Today, Hoogwegt is active in over 130 countries, and has offices all over the world.


Hoogwegt U.S. is founded as the U.S. subsidiary of Hoogwegt. Today, Hoogwegt US is a well established provider of dairy products in the Americas region.


- Havero Hoogwegt is established - Hoogwegt Poland starts its activities


Hoogwegt Australia is established. Today, Hoogwegt Australia is a well known, reliable provider of quality Australian and New Zealand dairy products and food ingredients.


Hoogwegt starts actively doing business in China. Since 2003, we have a formal presence in the country. In 2010, China surpasses Japan as the world’s second-largest economy.


Pacific Dairy Ingredients becomes a part of Hoogwegt with its operations in China. Today, Pacific Dairy successfully provides the Chinese region from its two offices in Shanghai and Beijing.


Through the acquisition of the German company Apollo Milchprodukte, we add more liquid milk to our product portfolio. Liquids now account for more than 25% of our volume.


With the acquisition of Meelunie, Hoogwegt expands its portfolio with dedicated worldwide plant-based ingredients business. For more information on Meelunie's activities: check out:


- Hoogwegt celebrates its 50th anniversary, determined to continue adding vision and value to our customers’ business for many decades to come. - Hoogwegt enters in US based joint venture for the production of dairy products: Lone Star Dairy products


Meelunie, Hoogwegt's plant-based ingredients company, celebrates its 150 year anniversary.